
Orang Asli kecewa slogan Perhimpunan Baju Merah

Masyarakat Orang Asli di Kelantan amat kecewa dengan slogan dan cara perhimpunan Baju Merah yang diketegorikan sebagai tidak menghormati hak dan sensitiviti kaum yang lain di negara ini. Menurut Kamal bin Alek, perhimpunan ini bersifat perkauman walaubagaimana pihak berkuasa menyatakan perhimpunan ini halal. “Bagi kami komuniti Orang Asli, ini sudah jelas mereka menunjukkan slogan di kain

Orang Asli kecewa slogan Perhimpunan Baju Merah Read More »

Back to Bark-cloths

During this year’s village-level celebration of the World Indigenous Day, the young Jakuns of Kampung Peta, on the eastern border of the Endau-Rompin National Park in Johor, decided to go back to the old days and reenact how their forefathers dressed then. For the Orang Asli here, it was a affirmation of their identity as indigenous

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Semaq Beri report to MTCC over logging plans in their area

We were in Kampung Mengkapor, Pahang on Wednesday 8 July 2015 to gather further evidence from their oral tradition in preparation for the expert report to be submitted to the Kuantan High Court. This is in respect of their civil suit against several companies and the Pahang state government, among others, for encroachment into their traditional

Semaq Beri report to MTCC over logging plans in their area Read More »