The Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) was established in 1989 to advance the cause of the Orang Asli — whether via the greater dissemination of Orang Asli news and views, assisting in court cases involving Orang Asli rights, or in developing arguments for lobbying and advocacy work.
The Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia
The Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which transliterates as ‘original peoples’ or ‘first peoples’.
It is a collective term introduced by anthropologists and administrators for the (officially) 18 ethnic subgroups generally classified for official purposes under Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay. They numbered 178,197 in 2010 representing a mere 0.6 per cent of the national population (28 million).

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COAC latest news, articles and publications
Temiars in court for their land
One bus load of (self-paying) Temiar will be in the Kota Baru High Court on Monday 30 May 2016, for the start of the land rights case of Pos Belatim...
Read MoreStrengthening solidarity for indigenous women
On the occasion of International Women’s Day today, 8 March 2016, The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact joins hands with women and men across the globe in the spirit of solidarity...
Read MoreNew book on the Mah Meri
SPIRIT CARVINGS OF THE MAH MERI OF MALAYSIA by Peter Crowe Full colour coffee-table book on the spirit carvings of the Mah Meri – and the carvers and their carving heritage. 254...
Read MoreHigh moments in 2015
Like previous years, 2015 had been an eventful one, both for the Orang Asli and for us at COAC. There were many things that broke our hearts or stirred up...
Read MoreHigh Court judgment in Kampung Senta Case
The grounds of judgment in the land rights case of the Semai of Kampung Senta in Bidor, Perak against a corporation and the state government can be viewed at this...
Read MoreIn case you have missed...
Temiars in court for their land
One bus load of (self-paying) Temiar will be in the Kota Baru High Court on Monday 30 May 2016, for the start of the land rights case of Pos Belatim...
Read MoreHigh Court judgment in Kampung Senta Case
The grounds of judgment in the land rights case of the Semai of Kampung Senta in Bidor, Perak against a corporation and the state government can be viewed at this...
Read MoreKampung Kuala Senta is Ready for Court
Bah Tony and Faridah at the filing counter of the Ipoh High Court in Perak. With a sense of much relief, the expert report on the ‘History, Presence and Situation...
Read MoreHAMBA. Sebuah novel sejarah.
Sebuah novel sejarah oleh AKIYA (aka Mahat anak China) Ilustrasi oleh GASUR (aka Pandak Basri) Diterbit 6 Disember 2013 282 mukasurat | saiz 6 x 9 inci ISBN 978-967-12282-1-0 Harga: RM20.00...
Read MorePeople First: Orang Asli after 50 Years of Merdeka
PEOPLE FIRST Orang Asli after 50 Years of Merdeka Colin Nicholas Published in Off The Edge, September 2007. As the original peoples of the peninsula, the ancestors of the Orang Asli...
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