
New book on the Mah Meri

SPIRIT CARVINGS OF THE MAH MERI OF MALAYSIA by Peter Crowe Full colour coffee-table book on the spirit carvings of the Mah Meri – and the carvers and their carving heritage. 254 pages. 20cm X 27cm (8 inches x 10 inches). Co-published by the Center for Orang Asli Concerns and GeraiOA. Release date: 15 January 2016. The …

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High moments in 2015

Like previous years, 2015 had been an eventful one, both for the Orang Asli and for us at COAC. There were many things that broke our hearts or stirred up anger and frustration in us – like the damage done by the floods in January, the treatment of Orang Asli schoolchildren in Kelantan, continued encroachments …

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Seorang lagi mangsa keracunan meninggal

Masalah keracunan di Kampung Angkek-Podek, RPS Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, masih menjadi persoalan pelbagai pihak. Kes yang dipercayai keracunan sumber air telah pun masuk minggu kedua. Pada 24hb Nov 2015, seramai 8 mangsa telah dirawat di Hospital Kuala Krai dan Gua Musang, akibat dipercayai keracunan. Namun pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia belum mengesahkan punca sebenar berlaku. …

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The Semai of Kampung Senta win their land rights case

The Ipoh High Court affirmedon 30 September 2015 that the Semai of Kampung Senta in Bidor, Perak enjoyed native title rights to their tanah adat (customary lands) under common law. Following on the precedents of Sagong Tasi, Nor ak Nyawai and Madelli Salleh – important precedent-setting land rights cases in Selangor and Sarawak – Justice Dato’ Che Mohd Ruzina …

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