
ORANG ASLI OFFICIAL-SPEAK: The doublespeak you can be doubly sure is all hog-wash

ORANG ASLI OFFICIAL-SPEAK The doublespeak you can be doubly sure is all hog-wash Colin Nicholas Published in Aliran Monthly, Vol. 12 (9), 1992, pp. 2-4. It seems that, with the Orang Asli, you can lie through your teeth and confidently get away with it. It used to be the case when one would only dare make ‘deceiving […]

ORANG ASLI OFFICIAL-SPEAK: The doublespeak you can be doubly sure is all hog-wash Read More »

SIMILARITIES WE OFTEN OVERLOOK: Christianity and Indigenous Religion Compared

SIMILARITIES WE OFTEN OVERLOOK Christianity and Indigenous Religion Compared   Colin Nicholas Published in SCR Reflections No. 4. August 1989, Society for Christian Reflection. I once witnessed a Christian missionary ‘praying over’ an Orang Asli man, who was not yet a convert.  Nevertheless, he was obviously receptive of the idea of having someone place his hands on his

SIMILARITIES WE OFTEN OVERLOOK: Christianity and Indigenous Religion Compared Read More »