Batin Long bin Hok’s BES HYANG DNEY and other Jah Hut stories

Duncan Holaday / Chin Woon Ping / Teoh Boon Seong

104 + xx pages; 6 inches x 8 inches; 25 plates; limp cover.
Published 2003
ISBN: 983-40042-2-2
Price: RM 15.000

Bes Hyang Dney is just one of four enchanting myths of spirits and shamans, of fierce battles and cosmic creation, as narrated by a Jah Hut Shaman. Batin Long’s world of magic and natural powers is told in his own native tongue, complete with the story-tellers’ charm that is today a dying talent and responsibility.

Illustrated by Batin Long
Includes a Jah Hut-English glossary.

Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Prologue: Self-presentation and visual anthropology
Pronunciation Key

Bes Hyang Dney
Buwayat Hal ‘Usul Yang Mula’ Skali (The Creation of the World)
Pauh Janggi’ Bringin Sungsang (The Mythical Tree)
Bongsu’ Saleh Layang (The Tale of the First Shaman)

Revised re-publication of the original 1985 edition entitled Tales of a Shaman: Jah Hut Myths as told by Batin Long bin Hok.

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