[English translation follows the Malay text.]
Berdasarkan temubual dan laporan dari lapangan, Pengurus Projek JOAS Koong Hui Yein mefailkan timeline dan update berikut pada 30 Jun 2015, jam 6 petang:
15hb Jun 2015
Masa itu 3 orang budak, termasuk Siti bermain di tepi kereta Cikgu Arif. Cikgu itu nampak dan keluar dari kereta. Dua budak itu sempat lari diri tetapi Siti telah ditangkap oleh Cikgu. Budak yang sempat lari itu nama kampung mereka ialah Apis (lelaki) dan Apon (perempuan) yang berasal dari Kampung Teranik. Siti berasal dari Kampung Betak.
Cikgu Arif memberi Siti tiga ringgit dan ambil gambar. Cikgu itu ingin jadikan gambar itu sebagai bukti Siti telah mencuri duit padahal kes kecurian itu telah berlaku suata masa ketika dahulu dan bukan pada 15hb Jun 2015.
Selepas itu, Siti dibawa ke bilik guru dan kes penderaan itu berlaku. Tiga cikgu yang terlibat iaitu Cikgu Arif, Cikgu Saki dan Cikgu Talib. Mereka telah ikatkan Siti dengan tali dan tampar serta hentukkan kepala dia ke dinding. Lepas itu mereka tendang dan sepak Siti.
16hb Jun 2015
Makcik Siti, namanya Deena telah membawa Siti ke Klinik Kuala Betis untuk jumpa doktor. Doktor telah ambil gambar luka Siti. Doktor kata akan berikan laporan doktor dan gambar selepas laporan polis telah dibuat.
Pada hari yang sama, Siti telah ditemu ramah oleh rakan-rakan OA dari PACOS, JOAS dan COAC.
23hb Jun 2015
Kes Siti telah dilaporkan kepada pihak SUHAKAM semasa perjumpaan wakil JOAS dan Pesuruhjaya Encik James Nayagam.
27hb Jun 2015
Mak Cik Andak pergi ke Balai Polis Gua Musang untuk membuat laporan polis.
28hb Jun 2015
Pihak polis pergi ke rumah kebun Mak Cik Andak untuk jemput dia sebelum bergerak ke Kampung Betak untuk jemput Siti. Selain ambil salinan laporan polis, mereka telah dibawa ke balai polis untuk buat siasatan. Lepas habis soal siasat, Siti dan Mak Cik Andak, bersama dengan Inspektor Siti Nazurah dan drebar bergerak ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis.
Mereka berkumpul di bilik Guru Besar. Lepas itu, ketiga-tiga cikgu iaitu Cikgu Arif, Cikgu Saki dan Cikgu Talib turut masuk ke dalam bilik Guru Besar. Dalam satu rombongan, mereka bergerak ke tempat kejadian kes kecurian duit, iaitu tempat letak kereta Cikgu Arif. Dari sana, mereka bergerak ke bilik guru di mana Siti tunjukkan tempat yang dia telah diikat dan dipukul, ditampar dan ditendang oleh cikgu-cikgu.
Dari sekolah, pihak polis bawa Andak dan Siti ke Klinik Kuala Betis untuk dapatkan surat doktor dan gambar daripada doktor. Setelah itu, mereka bergerak ke Balai Polis Gua Musang untuk siasatan selanjutnya. Ketiga-tiga cikgu itu turut disiasat di balai polis juga.
Siasatan berakhir pada jam 2 petang dan Mak Cik Andak dan Siti telah dibawa pulang ke rumah oleh pihak polis.
Pada waktu malam, jam 9.35pm, kawan Mak Cik Andak namanya Ali datang ke rumah Mak Cik Andak bersama isterinya dan 2 orang anak kecil dia. Sebelum ini, Ali memang selalu pergi ke rumah kebun Mak Cik Andak untuk dapatkan sayur dan ubi. Tetapi malam ini, Ali katakan Andak harus tarik diri daripada kes ini sebab cikgu itu boleh bayar polis. Kalau Andak tidak tarik diri, Andak akan terikat untuk membuat kenyataan dengan pihak polis untuk bertahun-tahun.
Lepas Ali balik, Mak Cik Andak membuat panggilan kepada Yein untuk bagi tahu apa yang telah berlaku. Disebabkan Mak Cik itu tiada kenderaan dan dalam ketakutan, Yein telah membuat laporan polis untuk pihak Mak Cik Andak di Balai Polis Subang Jaya.
29hb Jun 2015
Pada jam 11 pagi, pihak sekolah diiring oleh Ali dan telah melawat Mak Cik Andak di rumah kebun dia. Cikgu Salahuddin (Timbalan Guru Besar), Cikgu Ariffin, Cikgu Ismail (Guru Besar) dan Cikgu Arif (salah seorang cikgu yang mendera Siti) telah berkata kepada Mak Cik Andak bahawa mereka ingin selesaikan kes. Mak Cik Andak kata sini rumah kebun dia dan tidak sesuai untuk perbincangan.
Mak Cik Andak cadangkan perbincangan dijalankan di dewan balai Kampung Angkek-Podek. Cikgu Salahuddin cadangkan perbincangan itu dijalankan pada waktu petang.
Mak Cik Andak ada kata dia tiada kredit untuk menghubungi cikgu. Ali ada bagi duit sebanyak RM20 kepada Mak Cik Andak untuk beli kredit. Pada masa yang sama, Mak Cik Andak ada bagi ubi dan sayur kepada Ali sebagai tanda urusniaga. Lepas itu, Ali dan cikgu-cikgu itu pun meninggalkan rumah kebun itu. Tetapi pada waktu petang, sebab Mak Cik Andak perlu berjumpa dengan Peguam Siti Zainah, maka dia telah batalkan perjumpaan dengan pihak sekolah.
Anak Andak, Kiso, pulang ke rumahnya pada 16 Jun 2015.
30 Jun 2015
Pada jam 12.00pm, waktu tengah hari, di tempat perhimpunan Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis (Gua Musang, Kelantan), Ali memegang tangan anak Andak bernama Kiso secara kuat dan bertanyakan kepada Kiso tentang kes penderaan Siti oleh Cikgu Arif, Cikgu Saki dan Cikgu Talib di SK Kuala Betis yang berlaku pada 15hb Jun 2015.
Ali tanya kepada Kiso, yang berumur 10 tahun, adakah perkara itu berlaku dan desak Kiso untuk bercakap dan menjawab. Oleh sebab Kiso dalam ketakutan, Kiso berdiam dan tidak bercakap apa-apa. Setelah Ali gagal mendapat maklumat dan maklum balas daripada Kiso, dia lepaskan Kiso dan tinggalkan dia. Kiso pun pulang ke rumah.
Sekarang, Andak turut berasa risau dan takut. Andak telah membuat keputusan bahawa Kiso harus duduk di rumah dan tidak pergi ke sekolah sampai kes tersebut selesai dan sampai Andak berasa selamat untuk membenarkan Kiso pulang ke sekolah untuk belajar. lapuran polis telah dibuat di Balai Polis Subang Jaya tentang kejadian ini.
Perbincangan dengan Wanita JOAS (Temiar) di Kampung Angkek pada 16 Jun 2015. | Discussion with the JOAS Women’s (Temiar) Group in Kampung Angkek on 16 June 2015.
Based on further interviews and reports from the field, especially with the grandmother and auntie of the abused child, JOAS Project Coordinator Koong Hui Yein filed the following timeline and update:
15 June 2015
There were 3 schoolchildren, including Siti (the girl who was hit by the teachers), playing near Teacher Arif’s car. The teacher saw this and got out of the car. The other two students managed to run away but Siti was caught by the teacher. The other two who managed to escape were Apis (male) and Apon (female) from Kampung Teranik. Siti is from Kampung Betak.
Cikgu Arif gave Siti three ringgit and took photos. The teacher planned to use the photo as evidence that Siti stole the money when in fact the stealing case happened some time before and not on 15 June 2015.
After this, Siti was brought to the teachers’ room whence the abuse took place. The three teachers who were involved were Cikgu Arif, Cikgu Saki and Cikgu Talib. They tied Siti with a string and pushed her about, including hitting her head against the wall. Then they kicked Siti.
16 June 2015
Siti’s aunt Deena brought Siti to the Kuala Betis Clinic to see a doctor. Doctor had taken pictures of Siti wound. Doctor said that the medical report and photos will be given when after a police report is made.
On the same day, Siti was visited and interviewed by members from PACOS, JOAS and COAC.
23 June 2015
Siti’s case was reported to SUHAKAM during the meeting between JOAS representatives and Commissioner Mr. James Deva Nayagam.
27 June 2015
Mak Cik Andak (Siti’s grandmother) went to the Gua Musang Police Station and made a police report.
28 June 2015
Police went to Mak Cik Andak’s house to pick her up and also Siti from her house in Kampung Betak before driving them to the police station. Besides collecting a copy of the police report, they were at the police station for investigation purposes.
When the first stage of investigation has ended, Mak Cik Andak and Siti, along with Inspector Siti Nazurah and the driver drove to Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis. They gathered at the headmaster’s room. After that, the three teachers, namely Mr Arif, Mr Saki and Ms Talib also went into the headmaster’s room.
In a group, they then moved to the scenes where Teacher Arif’s car was parked, i.e. where the alleged theft of money took place at. Later, they went to the teacher’s room where Siti showed where she was tied up and beaten, slapped and kicked by the teachers.
When the investigation at the school has ended, the police brought Andak and Siti to Kuala Betis Clinic to get the medical report and photos from the doctor. After that, they went back to the police station for further investigation. The three teachers were also investigated at the police station.
The investigation ended at 2pm and Mak Cik Andak and Siti was brought home by the police.
In the evening, at 9.35pm, Ali came to Mak Cik Andak’s farm house with his wife and his two children. Ali used to go to Mak Cik Andak’s farm house to buy vegetables and tapiocas. But that night, Ali said to Mak Cik Andak that she should withdraw from the case because the teacher can pay the police. If Andak does not pull out, Andak will be bound to make statement after statements with the police for many years.
When Ali left, Mak Cik Andak called Yein to inform what had happened. Since Mak Cik Andak has no transport and was in fear, Yein has lodged a police report on behalf of Mak Cik Andak in Subang Jaya Police Station.
29 June 2015
At 11 am, Ali along with the teachers had visited Mak Cik Andak in her farm house. Salahuddin (Deputy Headmaster), Ariffin, Ismail (Headmaster) and Arif (one of the teachers who abused Siti) expressed to Mak Cik Andak that they want to solve the case.
Mak Cik Andak said her farm house is not an appropriate place for discussion. Mak Cik Andak suggested that discussions should be held in the community hall of Kampung Angkek. Salahuddin suggested that the meeting to be conducted in the evening.
Mak Cik Andak said that she has no credit to contact the teacher. Ali gave RM20 to Mak Cik Andak to buy mobile top-up. At the same time, Mak Cik Andak gave Ali some tapioca and vegetables to Ali to inidicate that it was like their normal business transaction.
After that, Ali and teachers left the house. However, because Mak Cik Andak needed to see the lawyer – Siti Zainah – she had to cancel the meeting with the teachers.
30 June 2015
At 12.00pm, in the vicinity of the school, Ali grabbed the hand of Kiso, the son of Andak, and asked him about the case of Siti being hit by 3 teachers. Ali asked Kiso, aged 10, if the abuse did actually happen and presured her to answer. Kiso, in fear, kept silent and did not say anything. After Ali failed to get anything from Kiso, he let go of him. Kiso then went home.
Now the mother Andak is also worried and scared. She has decided that Kiso should stay at home and not go to school until the case is over when Andak feels safe to allow Kiso to return to school. A police on this incident was made by Yein at the Subang Jaya Police Station (see earlier note).
Untuk kes penderaan budak-budak sekolah di SK Pos Bihai, Gua Musang sila ke link-link berikut:
For reports on the case of students being abused in SK Pos Bihai, Gua Musang, go to the following links: